
Thanks Judith. That’s so thoughtful and moving.

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Dear Rabbi Evan. I found your article about life after death interesting. When my husband and I were engaged, we met with my Rabbi before he married us. During that conversation, my husband to be asked the Rabbi what he believed about heaven and hell. The Rabbi answered that he believed that life after death is in the hearts and minds of the people we leave behind. I always thought there must be more than that. After our first son passed away, I was sure there was more because I had very real dreams of our son's being in heaven and his being very happy. There are many scriptures that mention life after death that I am sure you are very familiar with, but I will mention a few here: Genesis 25:8, 2 Samuel 12:23, Job 19:25-27, Ecclesiastes 12:7, Ezekiel 37:1-28 and Daniel 12:1-13. Even if a person just reads these scriptures, I don't know how he/she could not believe in life after death. God bless you! Judy Golightly

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